119. Robert Greever7 Rosenbaum (John6 Rosenbalm, Barbara5 Copenhaver, Frederick4, Thomas3 Koppenheffer, Thomas2, John Wolfgang1) was born in Smyth, VA, US September 12, 1854. Robert died August 31, 1919 in Bridgeport, OH, US, at 64 years of age. His body was interred in Freedom, PA, US.

He married Alice Armistead Crawford in Salem, VA, US, August 6, 1884. Alice was born in Lynchburg, VA, US September 18, 1860. Alice died April 10, 1934 in Ambridge, PA, US, at 73 years of age.

Robert Greever Rosenbaum and Alice Armistead Crawford had the following children:

child + 172 i. Leonia Armistead8 Rosenbaum was born December 21, 1885.

child 173 ii. John Roland Rosenbaum was born December 12, 1887.

child 174 iii. Mary Mabel Rosenbaum was born July 7, 1890.

child 175 iv. Paul Eugene Rosenbaum was born July 12, 1892.

child 176 v. Laura Lee Rosenbaum was born October 20, 1894.

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